Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Head to the Wild West for February OSU Concerts

Children's Jubilee rides into town on February 15.  We are headed to the Wild West with music from Rodeo by Copland and the Cowboys by John Williams. You are invited to dress up in Western clothes if you want.
     Lobby opens at 1 p.m.
     Concert designed for families starts at 2 p.m.
     Hands-on science, art and music activities continue after the concert until about 4 p.m. thanks to many SUU and community partners
  • $5 per person, babies are free. 
  • One free admission with 3 cans of food for Care and Share.

For the evening concert, we are adding the Grand Canyon Suite by Grofe plus a new arrangement for orchestra of Home on the Range by Keith Bradshaw. The Vistas concert is set for February 20, 7:30 pm, at the Heritage Center Theatre (105 N 100 E, Cedar City, UT, located behind Lins). Tickets are $12 for adults and $6 for students and can be purchased at the Heritage Theatre or online through the Heritage Center website. Children 6 and older are welcome to attend with adult supervision. No babies please as the concert will be recorded. For more information contact OSU Manager Rebekah Hughes at (435) 590-6829 or

Preview the music at video links